"The Times They are A Changin"

Maggie Grant is an Ayurvedic Consultant in the DMV area. Her website is filled with tips and information on how to incorporate Ayurveda into your life for health & wellbeing.

 The leaves are changing… The temperature is changing…The election has brought change…

Change means impermanence…transient.  Change also means metamorphosis…refinement…development.

Your sleep may be interrupted or restless and your digestive fire may be sluggish.

So what can you do to strengthen and protect yourself during this season of change?

✔︎ Eat seasonal foods such as root vegetables.  Soups and stews are sublime.  Avoid dry foods like popcorn

✔︎ Watch your caffeine intake.  Try herbal teas with coriander, cumin and fennel or clove or ginger

✔︎ Commit to a routine for sleep and meals.  Get predictable for the next few months  

  ✔︎ Sleep by 10pm or at least wind down and unplug by 10pm 

✔︎ Rise by 6am and avoid midday naps, they aren’t your friend in the end

✔︎ Exercise to ground yourself.  Standing poses, forward folds, sit in each pose longer and connect to your breath.  Extend your exhale and pause at the bottom of a breath

✔︎ And saving the best for last…self body massage with sesame oil.  Lube up and drop in 

In this season of movement and as the winds of change blow, DARE to put the pieces of a healthy and hopeful life together. 

“Man in the Mirror” by Michael Jackson

I’m starting with the man in the mirror
I’m asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change