Getting Good Sleep | Flow Yoga Center

Getting Good Sleep

Did you know one in three of us have sleep challenges? Not only does a bad night's rest make you feel not your best but it also can have long-term impacts. The CDC has declared our sleep issues a “public health epidemic” linked to a range of medical and mental health issues.

The good news is that practicing yoga can help manage symptoms of insomnia including getting you to fall asleep more quickly, sleep longer and..go back to sleep after waking up at night.

We intentionally schedule our slower flow & restorative classes later in the evening to help your body & mind get ready for rest. Flow Members - you get some extra perks like our evening wind downs and yoga nidra sessions too!

There are so many great sleep tips to help you get good rest - join the discussion over on instagram - we'd love to hear your best ways to get a good night's sleep.

I'll also leave you with one of my all time favorites- a good eye pillow. I use one each and every night and consider myself a connoisseur ;). While my absolute favorite one by barefoot yoga is no longer being produced, here are two that I love:

This one's super soft & lightweight with a great price.

And for those of you who love weighted blankets, you have to try out a weighted eye pillow! It's sold out right now but you can add it to your cart for when it's back in stock.

We also love:

➡️ Lavender and Chamomile (via tea or aromatherapy)⁠

➡️ Journalling to get all of the thoughts & to-dos out of your head ⁠

➡️ A consistent wake and sleep time⁠

➡️ A steady bedtime routine - for example - (bath, tea, reading/journaling, lights out⁠

➡️ Putting your phone to bed at least 1/2 hour before you begin your evening routine⁠

➡️ Eye Pillows (see comments for our favorites!!)⁠

➡️ Melatonin @ollywellness sleep gummies⁠

➡️ keeping room to a cooler temp vs. too hot⁠

➡️ Yoga Nidra (Flow's Friday night with @finding_flow_dc is a great one!)⁠

➡️ Restorative Yoga poses (forward folds, legs up the wall...)⁠

➡️ @smilingmind awesome & free mindfulness app⁠
