Lotus Mudra (Padma Mudra) Hand Gesture For Peace & Perspective

Lotus Mudra (Padma Mudra)

Padma Mudra directs prana (subtle energy) toward the heart chakra. It’s said to bring a sense of compassion, balance, kindness & ease to the practitioner. Padma (lotus) mudra represents the ability to rise above challenges, get perspective and bloom!

1. To practice Padma Mudra first bring your hand softly into Anjali Mudra (prayer hands) in front of your heart center.

2. Slowly unfurl your hands like a lotus flower blossom open. Keep the base of the hands together, along with the thumbs and little fingers. Allow the index, middle, and ring fingers to gently open.

This hand gesture is said to inspire purity and perseverance by representing the lotus flower floating above the muddy waters of desire, fear, and attachment. It reminds you of the natural beauty of your soul and brings calm to the mind.

While you’re practicing you can close your eyes and take a few breaths and reflect on what is possible in this moment.

Have you ever practiced hand mudras? Let us know how it goes!

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